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Register and join in

Here you can join the Friends and Alumni of Bergische Universität e.V. (FABU). Support the university and expand your network!


Joining is free of charge for students!

Click here for the online membership form:

Become a member

Alternatively, you can download the membership form and send it to us by e-mail or post:

Download membership form

  • By post: FABU - Freunde und Alumni der Bergischen Universität Postfach 101365 42013 Wuppertal


Becoming a member is always worthwhile!

Even if you have not yet finished your studies, you can already become part of a strong network and take advantage of our services. Students can become members of FABU free of charge, so register today and benefit from numerous advantages:

  • Become part of a strong network of companies, alumni and friends of the university while you are still studying and build up useful contacts
  • Apply as a member exclusively for FABU's annual sponsorship awards for academic theses
  • Use the alumni network and university services for a successful start to your career
  • Attend numerous lectures and events that will help you broaden your knowledge and horizons beyond the curriculum
  • Take an active part in shaping your everyday university life Are you looking for specific topics for theses, internships, student jobs or company contacts? We are happy to help!

As a member of FABU, you benefit from numerous exclusive advantages and a strong network from a wide range of sectors.

  • Digital news: Receive the exclusive alumni newsletter with event information, promotions and projects
  • Use the alumni network and university services for your professional development _ Take part in numerous networking events and interesting lectures to which you will receive exclusive invitations
  • Support the expansion of the alumni network and new projects at the university with your membership fee
  • Help to establish an all-encompassing networking platform for students, alumni and companies alike

Would you also like to give lectures in your field, are you looking for qualified young talent for your company or do you have topics that you would like to have investigated as part of an academic project? We are open to your ideas! Write to us at fabu[at]uni-wuppertal.de.

As a Premium Member, you will have a wide range of opportunities to present yourself in an attractive university environment and maintain contact with professors, students and alumni.

  • Opportunities to make contact with around 3,000 qualified graduates from all faculties every year
  • Use of a university sponsor logo for external presentation
  • Exchange between students, alumni and sponsors at numerous networking events
  • Listing on the association's website as a sponsor
  • Promotion of the university and support for student projects and start-ups
  • Opportunity to make contact via our career platform
  • Opportunity to be featured in the alumni newsletter
  • Invitation to exchange ideas with the rector

FABU also offers other attractive benefits that can be directly tailored to your company. With your commitment, you support FABU's diverse projects in culture, talent promotion and research. As a premium member, you can support young people, teaching, research and international campus life at the University of Wuppertal and thus ensure a strong next generation of talent.

As a member of FABU, you benefit from numerous exclusive advantages and a strong network from a wide range of sectors.

  • Digital news: Receive the exclusive alumni newsletter with event information, promotions and projects
  • Use the alumni network and university services for your professional development _ Take part in numerous networking events and interesting lectures to which you will receive exclusive invitations
  • Support the expansion of the alumni network and new projects at the university with your membership fee
  • Help to establish an all-encompassing networking platform for students, alumni and companies alike

Would you also like to give lectures in your field, are you looking for qualified young talent for your company or do you have topics that you would like to have investigated as part of an academic project? We are open to your ideas! Write to us at fabu[at]uni-wuppertal.de.

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