About us


The Friends and Alumni Association of the University of Wuppertal (FABU) is an interdisciplinary association that forms a strong network for the more than 22,000 students, alumni, members and partners of the University of Wuppertal.

FABU supports a wide range of projects at the University of Wuppertal and sees itself as a bridge between research and business. The most successful projects include

  • providing financial support to the university for major investment projects, such as the construction of the guest house

  • the aesthetic enhancement of the campus

  • the awarding of sponsorship prizes for academic theses

  • regular support for the UNIKONZERTE series

  • organizing the UniTal event series

  • Supporting excursions and research projects

In addition, we promote a lively exchange between our members at numerous networking events.

Become a part of this network and support us in our projects.

Become a Member

The Executive Board

Chair Dr. Jens M. Schmidt, lawyer and mediator, Runkel Rechtsanwälte

1st Vice Chair Felicia Ullrich, Managing Director, U-Form Gruppe Solingen Herm. Ullrich GmbU & Co.KG

2nd Deputy Chair Norbert Brenken, Wuppertal

Treasurer Prof. Dr. Jörg Bornheimer, Partner, GÖRG Rechtsanwälte

Secretary Dr. Martin Hebler, Managing Director, Technologiezentrum Wuppertal W-tec GmbH

Other board members Andreas Mucke, Managing Director, Circular Valley Dr. Johannes Slawig Hauke Paasch, Member of the Board, Vorwerk SE & Co. KG Christian Ritz, Member of the Board, Barmenia Krankenversicherungen

Honorary Chairwoman Dr. rer. pol. Ingrid Henkels, Wuppertal Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Köbberling, Wuppertal

Honorary member Heino Ahr, former DGB Chairman Bergisch Land (founding member), Wuppertal

(as at 06/2024)

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